My 2020 Resolutions

I have never been much of a resolutions guy, but the last two years of resolutions have gone somewhat well. I have decided I am going to pick five resolutions and track them every three months in 2020. I am doing this to keep me somewhat accountable and to be able to track my progress. Let’s get into the resolutions.

1) Use the phrase “I don’t care” less. In my goal to increase my emotional intelligence, it is time for me to use that phrase less in favor of phrases like “it is not that important to me” or “there are other things I would rather focus on”. Hopefully, this transition will help me become more socially aware and more pleasant to converse with.

2) Keep a journal. I want one entry each day comprised of something I learned today, reflect on a mistake I made that day, and/or how I made someone’s day better that day. I have tried doing this before, but this time around I will do it digitally on Google Docs to make allow myself to be more consistent.

3) Read/watch/listen to something educational at least every weekday, if not every day. Doing this will complement my journal nicely. By the end of the year, I should be somewhat more intelligent.

4) Interrupt people less. My other bad habit is that I interrupt people more than I should. Sometimes I get excited and just want to speak. This year I am hoping to make an effort to fix that and allow my counterparts to speak uninterrupted.

5) Be a little more outgoing. I have made improvements to this by being on-campus at James Madison University. I have been working on this, but I want to keep working on it. My basic goal is to interact with someone I normally would not, or go to a social function I usually would not go to.

These are my resolutions. I will check back in on March 1, 2020. Happy new year everyone. I
hope you all find something to improve this year.


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